Praise and Worship
Pilgrim is a spirit-filled, worship-loving, family-oriented church. We love music. It is an essential part of our praise and worship and a way we seek to usher in God’s presence. Vocal, choral, instrumental, a cappella, and even dance are the many ways we offer praise and worship to God.
The PCOC Music Ministry features the Praise Team, which sings contemporary praise and worship songs; and the Celebration Choir, which performs traditional songs, anthems, contemporary choral music, and sermonic solos.
Through praise and worship, we seek to go higher, and, in this effort, we look forward to God restoring Pentecostal power into our assembly. As we exercise our faith more, we expect to see His miracle-working power displayed within the congregation. In worship, we want the will of God to be done at all times. That is why we invoke His presence in that His life-providing Spirit becomes a vital ingredient during our time of worship.
We have been charged by God to reach out beyond the walls of the church to compel men and women to come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Outreach is a means to reach those who will not or are unable to come to “church.”
Outreach also provides an opportunity for us to fulfill the commandment given to us in Acts 1:8: “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth.”
We seek to develop and create effective community outreach programs for all to embrace.
• Community Hot Meal Program – We serve free hot meals to the community on Tuesday and Wednesday of the third week each month. Participants gather at the church from 4-5 p.m. to receive natural and spiritual nourishment.
• Door-to-Door Evangelism – Church members canvass the neighborhood to pass out tracts and other information; we also visit with community neighbors as appropriate.
• Outdoor Concerts & Worship – Youth concerts and church worship services take place outdoors and feature inspiring music and the preached word.
Women’s Ministries
We are a fellowship of sisters embracing all ages. We are designed by God to reflect His character and His view of women. We are committed to ministering to the total needs of the sisterhood, to demonstrate love and care in ways that are absolutely feminine and contribute to the well-being of the local assembly.
Additionally, we seek to help women to mature in their personal lives by using the experience, skills, and teachings of our older women and to grow deeper in their relationship with God. (Titus 2:3-5).
Our Women’s Ministries includes the following auxiliaries:
• Missionary Department – Strives to work within the community to preach, teach, mentor, and evangelize. Women visit the sick and shut-in; and assist families in need whether in the home, hospital, or other care facility.
• Women’s Council – Supports foreign missions and sponsors various spiritual and social activities for women of all ages.
• Ministers and Deacons Wives Guild – A fellowship group for women whose spouses are ministers or deacons to support and encourage them in their unique role.
We are a fellowship of Christian brothers reflecting God’s character and God’s view of manhood. We are committed to addressing the unique problems of what it is to be a man in a world that promotes diverse lifestyles.
To this end, our older men serve as examples and mentors to our younger brothers, while at the same time ministering to the needs of all brothers. (Psalm 133; Titus 2:6-8)
Christian Education Ministry
We are organized to carry out the part of our mission, which is to teach and instruct in righteousness. That which we have received from God about Him and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, must be handed down from one generation to the next.
We do this by enriching lives through teaching the Word of God, in weekly Bible study, and offering other classes, workshops, seminars, and other appropriate programs that teach the principles of Christian living and commitment. (II Timothy 2:15)
• Sunday School – Session takes place at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday. Instruction available for kindergarten to adult.
• Bible Study – Takes place at noon and at 7 p.m. each Tuesday.
• Armor Bearer Young Peoples Union (ABYPU) – Youth group that offers programs, social and service activities, and worship services geared for Christian development.
• Children’s Church – In session twice a month during the regular Sunday morning worship designed for children ages 3-11. Features Bible lessons and video bible stories, games, arts and crafts, and music.
Helps & Hospitality
We are organized and united to carry out the mandates of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, baptizing, and making disciples for Him and teaching them to obey and follow His commands. We are further mandated to meet the physical and emotional needs of man. We do this through an organized Helps Ministry. (Acts 6:1-3; I Corinthians 12:28)
We firmly believe that God has placed all in the body for service. Each person has a vital part to play in this dynamic ministry. Whatever our hands find to do, we will do it with heart, soul, mind, and spirit for it is a service to God.
Our Helps & Hospitality Ministry features the following auxiliaries:
Nurses: Offers care and support to the congregation during worship and other services
Ushers: Ushers greet each member and visitor as he or she enters the sanctuary for worship and other services, assists in seating, distributes programs and offering envelopes, and serves the pastor and ministers as needed.
Hospitality: Members of this committee offer care and support to the congregation, especially visitors, before and after service. This may include welcoming visitors and following up with cards, emails and other supportive communication.
Pastor’s Aid
The Pastor’s Aid Committee (PAC) assists in meeting specific needs of the pastor and first lady. The PAC president coordinates with the church to plan appreciation programs and special events.
Social Media/Technology Ministry
Social Media and Technology Ministry strives to create awareness for our church and its desire to share God’s transformative word with others. We use such platforms as WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Zoom, and other technology platforms to connect the community with the activities and initiatives at Pilgrim Church of Christ. Volunteers help with developing creative messaging for posts, tweets, videos, and photographs.
Region VI – Social Justice, Economic and Racial Equality Commission
This ministry, Social Justice, Economic and Racial Equality Commission (SJEREC), works in collaboration with all of the other ministries. Its mission is to engage those social concerns that challenge the communities we are called to serve and to build strong individuals, families, and communities.
Specifically, we work with the COOLJC Region VI SJEREC leadership to address criminal justice; community and economic development, including affordable housing and entrepreneurship; health and welfare, including mental health and ending gun violence; education; and voting and redistricting education and advocacy. The ministry also partners with local and regional organizations that support this work.
Members of Pilgrim participate in the Region VI SJEREC ministry that is part of a larger organization within COOLJC. It encompasses 12 regions across the country and nearly 500 Apostolic and Pentecostal churches.